Thursday, July 06, 2006

one of you will betray me


elnellis said...

Paul said...

Re: One of you will betray me.

I like this image. I read the above article. I didn't like it so much when I associated it with an ad campaign, but when at first I thought it was an artistic photograph and that the caption was original to the painting, it really hit me.

Lots of people, not just teenage girls (though I think of them first), live this way. Their friends aren't really their friends, more like people just waiting for a chance to backstab them (cf. most any rap song's lyrics). But they keep them around anyway, I think because they don't know that it's possible to find people that actually care about you and aren't just self-interested.

All that to say, the image made me think.

kimberley francis said...

an interesting image.